All Seeing Eye

Forged from an alloy of Celestial Ore and silver with Ancient Amber inlays. This talisman grants the wearer a better vision of objects far away.
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Pipes of Glory

Said to have been played by Carmen di Husni, of the SkyShield Battalion, at the reckoning of Ham el Lien. This legendary pipe infuses your troops with vigour and swiftness.
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Buckler Shield

"Arleon steel goes a long way when it comes to protection against the evils of this world" - Baron William of Blackstone
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Dragonscale Crown

"Surely it cant be real dragonscales? Ill proudly follow anyone who wears that crown and fight for whats just and good, no matter what."
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Open Faced Bacinet

A steel helmet no longer favored by the knights of Arleon, who prefer to obscure their faces in battle. But military surplus never goes to waste in a world torn apart by endless wars.
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Petrified Dragon Egg

Seeping with essence and power beyond mere mortals. Anyone carrying this ancient egg will see their troops grow stronger and more healthy.
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Sassanid Velvet Shoes

The sassanids of Barya see no shame in dealing death in the darkness of night. These finely crafted shoes allow the wearer to travel more swiftly and silently, regardless of the time of the day.
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Talisman of Arcana

Forged with magic from the beginning of time and imbued with the essence of Arcana, this is one of the fabled five Talismans of Essence.
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Talisman of Chaos

Before time there was Chaos and the essence of Chaos flows through this ancient talisman, thought to be one of the fabled five Talismans of Essence.
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The Bones Of Cornelius

The son of Aurelia is said to have been a powerful Wielder. This relic, still harboring the strength of his essence, proves it.
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Cuirass of the Sun

Said to be crafted during the days of Aurelia herself. This ornamental armor is polished beyond belief, making it glow in direct sunlight.
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Spiked Knuckleduster

"A broken nose is still a nose. A broken honor is no honor at all." - Vanir saying
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To cut a slice of bread, a strip of meat or the throat of your opponent.
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Bone Scimitar

"The frogs find ways to create sharp and nasty weapons even without forges or fire. Theyre not smiths by trade, but cunning by nature." - Terhez Weaponsmith, Azure Oasis
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One cut is all it takes. The Falchion is not a weapon of beauty or grace, more like a butchers cleaver in fact. It does it's job. No more, no less.
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Handgun Prototype

"I see a future where all Wielders of Barya carry a personal handgun, always at hand for close encounters. Armed with such a fine and ingenious ranged weapon it will inspire the artillery troops to strive harder." - Babak Gunsmith
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This axe helped Growl Shieldbreaker to hold the bridge at the battle of Greatford. Few have the strength to wield it, no one has the stamina to endure a blow from it.
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Boar Spear

"For boar hunting and to fend of the Horned ones, right? Beasts of the forest needs to be treated in a seemly manner." - William Tightstring, Huntmaster of the Pinecoast Barony
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Swamp Spear

"Seek out the lair of the swamp crab and return with one of its claws as the new point of your spear. Such is the ritual of adulthood in our tribe. If you do not return well know your fate." - Chorak Ktar, Shaman of the Blue vine clan
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"The greatsword is feared by many, but most by the pikeneers, for it cuts through their pikes and ranks alike." Quoted from On the Art of Warfare by Ichtizar the Mercenary.
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Staff of the Magus

Once said to have been carried by the High Magus herself. Radiating with energy, this staff amplifies the power of essence in the most destructible manner.
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Archers Gambeson

Cheap and easy to produce, it offers basic protection for troops of low rank.
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Chainmail Hauberk

The raiders of Vanir often stride the shores of faraway countries wearing these chainmails as their main protection.
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Celestial Breastplate

Crafted for a distinguished knight from the mineral of a meteorite. The magic properties of the metal grants the wearer superb protection.
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Cowl of Endless Essence

Sewn decades ago by the late Amaranthae Ermenor of the forest court. Infused with essence and pure magic woven into its fabric.
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Worn Boots

Sturdy and well worn, they've seen better days, but still work as intended.
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Riding Boots

These well made boots make life on and off the roads slightly more pleasurable.
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Masterly Crafted Boots

"Wear them at court, wear them when travelling. Youll look good and reach further, as easy as that mlord!" - Henry Dunfort, Master leather worker
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Boots of the Whispering Leafs

A gift from Cithrell Ethalia of the Gloomwood, to her son Lyfis Hather before his ill-fated journey to the Tenderwyld.
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Worn Gloves

For chopping wood, lifting hot cauldrons and the occasional brawl.
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"Object: Richly decorated gloves. Place of origin: Aurelian crypt near the digsite. Magical properties: They seem to weaken any spells directed towards the wearer." - Note regarding artifact no 35, Loth excavation no 14
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Celestial Gauntlets

Celestial ore has many uses, but most smiths agree that it serves best as material for armor. These gauntlets are a true testament to the wonders of this heavenly mineral.
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Gloves of the Wild Hunt

"These gloves are not for the common man, neither are they for anyone who disturbs the Faey of the forest. To buy my craft you need to be worthy of it." - Henry Dunfort, Master leather worker
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Worn by Knights and Fists of Order alike, these gauntlets protects the wearer during hand to hand combat.
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Helmet of the Vanir

A simple steel helm, typically worn by Vanir raiders.
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Visored Barbute

For tournaments and warfare alike. The visored barbuta gives supreme protection where it matters most.
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Mask of Wiesh

The famed wielder, Wiesh, wore this amber infused mask to his deathbed.
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Simple Axe

The curved blade makes it slightly more effecient when cutting a limb of a man, as opposed to a branch of a tree.
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Sharp Sword

It's lightweight, sharp and sits well in any hand. The pommel and hilt is well balanced against the blade. A sword for fighting, not for showing off.
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"Gunpowder and bullets? Pah! Baryan rubbish! When the rain pours down or when you need a silent shot, youll have to go with an Arleon crossbow." - Barnie "Barndoor" Twistroad, Arleon Sapper.
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Faey Horn Warbow

"Cerkaleth Lighthorn gave her life so you could wield this bow. Do her death justice."
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"Close your eyes when you draw the sword, for the light will blind anyone who look directly into it." - Armormaster Hoek of the Royal Aurelian armory
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Protection against arrows and melee weapons. The roundshield is favoured by many warriors.
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Kite Shield

Originally intended for cavalry, this type of shield has also gained popularity with footsoldiers. What the nobility wear to war will ever so often be mimicked by the common folk, if they can afford it.
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Heater Shield

Steel, leather and rivets combined to perfection. The cuts and blows will deflect with ease for any wearer strong enough to carry this shield.
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Ethylle's Blessing

A mighty shield forged by the Faey, given to the son of Aurelia as a gift from the forest folk.
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Talisman of Destruction

Older than the age of men. The essence of Destruction lives within it. This is one of the fabled five Talismans of Essence.
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Talisman of Order

Made a long time ago but still looks as new. The Essence of Order remains strong within it.This is one of the fabled five Talismans of Essence.
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Aurelia's Ashes

"Show the urn to the troops and they will follow you across the world and back. Her power is still great, even in death."
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The Makers Compass

It will lead you to adventures beyond your imagination. Always finding the shortest route to whatever your destination is. An amazing contraption said to be made by the finest Baryan tinkersmith ever to have lived.
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Tools of the Master Mason

A talented stone mason can achieve wonders using these tools.
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Enchanted Bag of Acorns

Each acorn grows into a full grown oak in just a few days. Every morning the bag is filled anew.
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The Golden Goose

"I dont care what you feed it as long as it keeps laying those golden eggs."
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Glimmerweave Spinning Wheel

Once set in motion, it never seems to stop. As the wheel keeps spinning, the thread of Glimmerweave gets longer and longer.
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Everflowing Branch of Sap

This ancient branch is said to stem from one of the original tree mothers. Each morning it weeps, longing for its mother, producing tears of sap that quickly hardens into ancient amber.
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Celestial Compass

This device was contrived by one of the most distinguished tinkerers of Barya. It helps a prospector find the impact sites of celestial ore fallen from the skies.
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Talisman of Creation

Contrived in a time long before this. Essence of Creation grows from it. This is one of the fabled five Talismans of Essence.
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Gloves of the Merchants Guild

Traditionally awarded to merchants when accepted into the most distinguished guild of Barya. Worn for weddings, funerals and signing contracts.
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Gauntlets of the Night

"Gauntlets, black as midnight, shall guard you night and day. They give you strength to crush your foes and many you shall slay." - Nornor verse
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Gloves of Eternity

The gloves shimmer with power and seem to slow down time itself. The wielder wearing them can command his army to act twice as fast, but it also takes a toll on the troops, making them weaker in the process.
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Gloves of the Phoenix

"The Phoenix is not a legend, Ive called it to soar the skies and wreak havoc on my enemies. These gloves will aid you in calling it, but it will drain your weakest troops to the point of death. Everything comes at a cost, right?" - Grand Magus Allirahann from the Rowaindale guild of Wielders
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Gauntlets of Essence

Feel the essence within you and let it flow freely. These gauntlets will unleash your true power as a Wielder. They amplify the strength of your spells and will leave your opponents trembling in fear.
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Heavy Iron Shield

"Squire, carry my shield will you?"
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Shield of Eternal Servitude

"Forge a shield from the armor of my slain foes. Insert my skull into the shield and place this gem of destructive essence between my jaws. Then bring this shield to war and let my scream sound across the battlefield for all eternity." - Excerpt from the last will of Nethyr the Scourge of Loth.
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Shield of the Ogre

"The ogres are few and far between. Peaceful by nature but when enraged they make even the Horned Ones look like gentle lambs. They keep their weapons and armor locked away and pray that it stays that way." - On the Folk of the Forest and How to Manage Them.
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Etheral shield

It provides shelter from a storm of blades. Protection from a tempest of spells. This shield will counter steel with steel and essence with essence.
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Spiked Shield

What's not to understand? Take cover behind it or simply slam it into the face of your opponent. Both work.
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Bone Club

The Rana Guards are armed with these when they start their training. As they advance through their trials, they leave the savage bone clubs behind and opt for more powerful weapons.
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Spiked Boots

Theyre not the most fashionable or even comfortable footwear. But when it comes to traversing rough terrain or kicking your enemy in the groin they do their job with honors.
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Dragon Tooth

Though dead since long, the essence of a dragon still lingers within it.
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Ancient Blade

"The shape is unlike any dagger I ever saw. Its still sharp despite the years it spent buried in the ground. It has no magic properties, but it will make a formidable weapon in the right hands." Words of a Baryan merchant, specialized in ancient artifacts
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Dagger of Rage

"Feel that? Anyone who comes near the dagger reacts the same way. You get quicker to anger and malice. Carried by a Wielder this dagger can inspire the weakest troops to beat the strongest opponents." -Sophia Hadergast, speaking to her young apprentice Mehry
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Bewitched Blade

It not only cuts through flesh like a hot knife through butter, it also strengthens the effect of destructive spells. Truly a weapon for Wielders and not the common folk.
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Elemental Axe

Is that.. fire, living inside of it?
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Aim for the head, that's all there is to it. A blunt weapon that delivers powerful blows.
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Morning Star

As the sun sets the stars arise. When this star rises you'd best beware.
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The Oathkeeper

"We march on no matter what. There will be no complaints, Im sure of it." - Captain Gilbert of Loth
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War Hammer

One side to crush and one side to pierce. Both sides equally lethal to your opponent, armored or not.
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Beak of the Beast

It hungers for flesh and destruction. It feeds on death. This weapon is not a blessing, it's a curse.
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A sufficient weapon against opponents with armor and more than devastating against enemies without it.
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Rod of the Roots

"Feel the sap slowly travel through the staff. Recognize its essence. Let it invigorate yourself and your troops. This is a gift from the Roots. It will make you grow stronger." - Wildfir the Moss Clad
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The Emancipator

Once carried by one of the most famed Harima warriors in the great Baryan freedom wars. This grand flail can wreak havoc in the hands of the right Wielder.
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The Stinger

The partisan is mainly used as a ceremonial weapon, bestowed by Baryan Merchants to the most vehement mercenaries. It is still an effective polearm but it's main purpose is to distinguish those who lead from those who follow.
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Boots of the Heavens

"We shall run like the wind and strike like thunder."
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Nimble Boots

Said to be crafted by the skin of ancient Durathror. Gigantic elks rumoured to have been roaming the deepest parts of Gloomwood forest on the continent of Patriam.
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Shoes of the Wanderer

When the road ahead is long and the terrain is rough, the Shoes of the Wanderer takes you longer distances in a shorter period of time.
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Archers Helmet

A simple steel helm often used by the archers of Arleon.
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Cape of Leaves

The Roots entrusted this cape to the Rana Protector of Gloomgrove before the battle of Fire Pass. It makes anyone hard to spot in open ground and near invisible in the forest.
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Celestial Helmet

Crafted from Celestial Ore it seems to highten the wearers senses and premonitions. A wielder clad in this helmet will lead his troops swiftly and defensively on the battlefield.
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Cloak of the Ancients

Take this to cloak yourself from the magic of thy enemy. Let this cloth be worn to combat time itself, but let it never fall into the hands of another Wielder.
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Golden Laurel Wreath

Given to the most succesful mercenary captains of Barya upon their return from a victorious campaign. A testament of triumph and commendable leadership.
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Hat of the Magus

Passed from masters to pupils in the mystical Coven of the Magus. Created hundreds of years ago with a technique now lost to time, the hats of the Magus are few and far between. No Wielder would separate from theirs while still drawing breath.
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Helmet of the Arena

In the dunes of Barya slave warriors are pitted against each other in great arenas. This helmet was once worn by the famed champion of Lastwell.
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Ornate Breastplate

To protect the torso from blows, projectiles and magic. This chestplate is both durable and finely decorated.
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Tunic of the Forest Court

The folk of the forest don't wear this type of garb themselves, but on rare occasions they bestow a finely woven tunic to someone who shares their love of the wildwood.
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Turban Helmet

This helmet is popular only in the southernmost parts of Barya. Traditionally worn by the garrison troops of Forgewell and Dungtown, they often compete in how garish and spectacular the colored cloth they can wrap around the metal dome.
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Worn Brigandine

A simple leather brigandine that has seen better days.
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Ancient Amber Spyglass

Crafted by the most prestigous Baryan tinkersmiths. The lense of Ancient Amber gives a superior overview of the surroundings and helps ranged troops to better find their targets.
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Arcane Tome

"Only those who Wield the Essence can truly understand the contents of this book. It is intended for those who are touched by magic and not the common folk." Foreword by the author, Arch Magus Fawn Serphent
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Banner of Unyielding Hatred

Said to have been carried to war by Aurelia herself as she first set foot on the shores of Patrium. Where this banner goes, troops will follow without a doubt.
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Baryan Glasses

The wonders of the Baryan tinkersmiths knows no end. The glass lenses are set in a frame of celestial ore, perhaps that is why you can spot things that are so far away?
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Braid of the Horned Ones

When chieftains die they leave their braids to their eldest offspring. Tradition says it infuses them with rage and strength of the foes once slain by the one who wore the braid.
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Drum of the Marches

The drum beats like the heart of the Marsh and lends ease and speed through the treacherous waters that hamper our enemies. The Marsh provides.
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Endless Samovar

This remarkable samovar made of ancient amber and celestial ore is said to hail from somewhere along the cold costs of Vanir. It refills itself with hot tea that invigorates and strengthens anyone drinking it.
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Mechanical Bird

Turn the key, get lulled to sleep by the gentle clicking of the cogs and wake up to its mechanical song. The age of the rooster is over.
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Never Ending Chest of Gold

The Baryan artificer that created this marvel was rewarded with death for his ingenuity. Gold is valuable because of its scarcity. The chest was stowed away for centuries, but secrets have a way of escaping even the securest of dungeons.
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Skull of Aeons

This relic was handed down from Wielder to Wielder through generations. Use it with utmost care and caution. Your troops will gain strength beyond belief but also be too fatigued to defend themselves.
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The Lute of Pinecoast

"I find that nothing motivates the troop like a good minstrel and a lute."
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Vial of the Heart

"Take a sip, just a small one. It will invigorate you through the storm of war." - Ulann Dor of the Origin River clan
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Town Portal Scroll

Creates a temporary portal that leads to your main town or settlement. The scroll will be destroyed.
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